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We build high performance

tech capabilities
tech capabilities
tech teams
tech solutions

Operate like a new-age tech company on the cloud using The AK Way

Confidently release features faster

RES increased delivery speed by 3x. They took ideas to customers’ hands in 3 weeks from 3 months release cycle before.

Res Logo

Build scalable, resilient systems

Fully cloud native payments platform processing over 1M transactions a day, handling up to 500 payments per second with zero downtime.

Comic Relief

Accelerated cloud-native journey

“Not only changing what we do but how we think”. Helped adopt high-velocity Cloud Native delivery to innovate much faster.


Build better software faster

BT experienced a 23% increase in productivity in just 6 weeks (across 3 teams) based on their internal metrics.


DevOps Center of Excellence

Improved resiliency and DORA. There was a 95% reduction in lead time to changes and a 70% reduction in time to restore services.


Drive impact through metrics

The AK Insights report has given a clear, measurable action plan that was used to start moving forward in their cloud native journey.

News UK

Become customer obsessed

Huge shift in perspective across org so that we now focus on the value to customers rather than vanity tasks that deliver no value.

Canada Life

Reduced cost of operations

Built a scalable platform with TDD and automated infrastructure, enabling them to innovate rapidly with reduced operational costs.

Cloud native capability uplift

The integration of Infra as Code and Blue-Green deployments ensured secure and consistent deployments with zero downtime.

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The AK Way readies your teams to respond to customers’ needs in hours, rather than weeks and months so that you deliver better customer experiences faster and stay ahead of your competitors.


Understanding with actionable data

AK Insights is designed to show you the blind spots in your tech landscape while providing a baseline to improve against. We benchmark your engineering through two lenses: the first focuses on people, processes, and ways of working; the second examines tech practices, measured against DORA and other engineering standards.

Once we’ve agreed what business outcome needs to be prioritised, we create a complete picture of your engineering potential and agree on shared metrics for success.


Driving company wide change

Our process starts with understanding your organisation's strategic objectives, using metrics and reports from AK Insights. By using metrics before and after, we are able to pinpoint the changes needed and demonstrate the outcomes. 

We work side-by-side with business and engineering leaders showing what good looks like and setting that North star for the organisation to align towards. We showcase achievable goals and the paths to reach them. By the end, you'll see clear benefits of The AK Way and how to achieve it.


Accelerated delivery the AK Way

We show, not tell. We embed expert engineers into your teams who will work with your people and help build capability for the future. Our goal is to help teams deliver high-quality products and services.

We can work on a range of operating models, but we can help you plan and implement the structure/processes that are needed to empower and enable your teams to become high performance, modern cloud native engineering practices.

Where needed, we provide cost effective teams that will kick start or support projects - cloud native from the core using The AK Way. 

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Value driven engineering through The AK Way

See how The AK Way has benefited these organisations

Comic Relief

Zero-Downtime Cloud-Native Payments Platform

Comic Relief’s biggest technology risk transformed to the mundane, without missing a single donation. Achieving high availability with reactive microservices continuously deployed to multi-cloud Platform as a Service.


85% Reduction in Operational Cost

Process Up to 500 transactions a second concurrently

Fidelity International

Infrastructure Engineering & Cultural Transformation

Developed a platform to fully automate previously laborious, error prone and manual processes. Used modern platform engineering methods - everything as code, automation, TDD, fully pipelined and automated environment provision and testing, etc.


60 Seconds - Reduced VM creation time from thirty minutes to under sixty seconds.

30 Minutes - Reduced environment lead time from 4 days to thirty minutes.

American Psychological Association

Claude-Powered Cognitive Search Solution

AI-driven solution to streamline access to 3 million copyrighted publications, ensuring accuracy and mitigating liability risks. Implemented a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) model, robust guardrails and optimised prompts and model chains to reduce hallucination and improve results.


30% Faster query response

90% Improvement in language accuracy

News UK

Migration of Critical Legacy Application to Kubernetes Platform

News UK transformed the legacy Grails app to modern Kubernetes platform, achieving streamlined, error-free processes. Leveraged containerization, Helm, ConfigMaps, and centralised secrets management for enhanced security and operational efficiency.


Zero downtime seamless migration

Cost savings by reducing bottlenecks and manual tasks

HSBC bank

Cloud-First DevX Platform & Operating Model

A cloud-first API-driven runtime services allowing customer focused teams to get new environments within minutes, and the ability to get new features quickly to keep up with a fast paced market. Increased as resilience testing moved from a quarterly cadence to happening during every deployment.


95% Reduction in security patch application lead time

70% Reduction in new feature lead time


Scalable Data Processing for Serverless Marketing Automation Platform

3Birds improved their marketing automation with a scalable cloud-based system. Allowing easy integration and real-time analytics for over 1,000 car dealerships, while reducing costs and speeding up delivery.


30% Improvement in deployment speed

20% Reduction in infrastructure expenses

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Book a call with us

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Got Questions? Reach out, and we’ll have answers for you pronto.

How is Armakuni different?

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We show people what good looks like (because we have experienced it, many times). We put metrics on the landscape to help understand where we need to focus and demonstrate the change. We enable your people to deliver the change, through coaching and pair programming. Success for us is stepping back out of a modern cloud native engineering/technology/digital function.

What is Armakuni Way?

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The AK way is a collection of approaches for “delivery with engineering agility” that we have used for many years as a baseline when we are engaging with clients. It’s not meant to be a fixed approach model, nor is it the only way we work - as we all know, operating in the world of software is about adaptation and pragmatism - but these approaches have served us well across a range of industries, projects and engagements, and are constantly evolving. If the client/team/dept we are working with doesn’t have a practice in place for any of these practices, then we have something to fall back on.

What is Armakuni Insights?

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Many of our clients do not have the insights to help them really see what is going on within technology. A technology practice within an organisation is a function of its people, teams, organisational structures, leadership, technical direction and strategic direction. No 2 organisations are the same, and their ability to perform is dependant on so many intangible factors. We’ve created a series of exercises based on industry best practices to help you better articulate the true state of your team. By using a combination of quantitative, data-driven metrics, as well as qualitative insights, we provide your teams with a sense of their strengths and areas for improvement.

How will you work with us?

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Most of our engagements with clients are about helping them change how they deliver technology, whether helping with the adoption of scalable microservices, or building self serve infrastructure platforms. However, in the most part we are helping our clients adopt the mindset, practices and approaches that will enable this approach beyond our time onsite - modern, cloud native engineering practices. Alongside this, we enable the change of the technology function as a whole (structurally) and how the technology function interacts with the rest of the business - whether that’s with business functions, governance, audit/security and others. Below is a “typical” engagement model, but our approaches and modular/productised and so we often just do one part of this. Step 1 - Understand the landscape/topography In order to work with a client, we need to understand what is going on in their organisation, with an external focus/viewpoint. Step 2 - Start to plan the roadmap Once we have a view on where the organisation is at, we start to work with leadership on where they are trying to get to, aligning to the organisation strategy and/or the engineering/technology strategy, and build out a roadmap. Step 3 - Educate In an ideal world, the entirety of the (technology) organisation understands what we are trying to achieve. Typically we find that there is a lot of “unconscious incompetence” - ie people don’t know what the don’t know - so we run sessions/workshops to demonstrate hands on what good looks like. This aligns the whole organisation to the approaches and mindset that we are trying to distil into the teams - and “should” create a sense of desire around that end goal. Step 4 - Start to drive change This can take many forms, but all are based around coaching individuals or teams through the change. Example: An Engineering Accelerator: we embed a pair of experienced practitioners into a team to coach and pair (rotating round your team) for 3 months, shaping that team into a modern cloud native engineering mindset and ensuring that the practices are embedded and desired by the team, not a chore. Step 5 - Observe, Orientate, Decide, Act Constant observation, sensing of what is working, what is not, learning and adapting as we go.

How do you measure business outcomes?

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At a technology/implementation level, Armakuni uses the Dora research and metrics, based on over 12 years of surveys, research and data collation, to benchmark and guide technology performance metrics to business outcomes. We combine this with our Engineering Insights which helps us look at broader environmental metrics - capabilities, approaches, psychological safety, cognitive load - all significant factors in a function's ability to respond to business/organisational needs. At a more holistic/contextual level, we identify the symptoms/issues that the broader business is experiencing and tie these back to the metrics we gather so we can demonstrate change over time.